
Note from Jeffrey

Rose was a great friend we met about 1955 0r 56.. lots of wonderful young experiences for all of us . never to be forgotten ,,,,  I remember all the good ole days we had growing up with all of the fun & the problems.. but the bottom line will always be, we cared about each other.. our gang had the most beautiful girls& we were the most handsome guys ..." Jeffrey Rose and Jeffrey
I met Rose for the first time when she and her friend Barbara came to Athens. From the photo, it must have been early 70s. I was in aw with how confident she was. She looked beautiful. She had the most perfect manicure I had ever seen. She seemed to be enjoying life. Though I got closer to her when she was already quite ill and debilitated, she was always very careful about her appearance and had everything under control. She was always dressed when I'd visit her even if it was exhausting to do so. She really took to technology and used her iphone like a pro. I mean, she would even have reminders that it was time to change the vacuum cleaner bag. She had a way she wanted everything to be maintained and stuck to it until the very end. She liked to go out for dinner and she would amaze me with her appetite. She liked to have a cocktail and good food and wine and then desert. At her gym, they told me that she was an inspiration to everyone. She would drive to the gym and work ou

Note from Frank

Rose was my first real love, we dated for 2 or 3 years until  our careers  took up most of our time.  After 911  I started looking up my friends from those "Best Years Of My Life"  and was able to get about 8 of us in touch with each other.  Since then we have been sending emails, and pictures back and forth.  Sadly we are now down  losing Ann,  Gary, and now Rose.  Rosie was the  Shining star of the girls and everyones favorite. Frank  Rose and Frank

Rose at our family reunion in 2005

Rose all smiles at our family reunion in 2005

Photos of Rose and her friends

It was 1958 and I was a 12-year old gawky kid, straight off the boat from England en route to Canada. A whirlwind visit with great aunts and great uncles, and sights of New York.  And, of course, Rose, my second cousin.  She was the epitome of elegance as she arrived home from her job, dressed in a black cashmere sweater and black pencil slim skirt.  Full of laughter and smiles, and life.  I remember that like it was yesterday.  Years later, and I was now in the USA, we got together during her several business trips to Phoenix and we laughed and chuckled about our parallel professions - she dealing with errant stockbrokers, and me with errant lawyers.  And the reunion in New York years ago (thank you Nick for enabling that) was another fabulous whirlwind of cousins and relatives.  An evening at Rose's place was warm, fun and comforting, reflective of her.  Ro and I stayed in touch over the years and always our phone calls and emails were full of laughter and silly things.  Always g

Some pictures from Rose's friends and relatives
