I met Rose for the first time when she and her friend Barbara came to Athens. From the photo, it must have been early 70s. I was in aw with how confident she was. She looked beautiful. She had the most perfect manicure I had ever seen. She seemed to be enjoying life.
Though I got closer to her when she was already quite ill and debilitated, she was always very careful about her appearance and had everything under control. She was always dressed when I'd visit her even if it was exhausting to do so.
She really took to technology and used her iphone like a pro. I mean, she would even have reminders that it was time to change the vacuum cleaner bag. She had a way she wanted everything to be maintained and stuck to it until the very end.
She liked to go out for dinner and she would amaze me with her appetite. She liked to have a cocktail and good food and wine and then desert.
At her gym, they told me that she was an inspiration to everyone. She would drive to the gym and work out almost every day even if it was for just 10 minutes.
She fought every day not to allow her illness to stop her from enjoying life. She put up a good fight and lived with the disease for a long time.


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